Different Types Of Teeth And Their Functions

Different Types Of Teeth

Knowing the different types of teeth and their functions will make you clearer about your oral cavity. Teeth are very important to humans because they allow them to chew and have better digestion.

In addition to eating, teeth allow you to talk, smile, and look better on your face. Most adults have 32 permanent teeth, and each type of tooth has a name and a specific function. The teeth are in the mouth in 2 arches containing 2 quadrants each.

The upper arch is the maxillary arch and is fixed, while the lower arch is the mandibular arch and can move. Below you will find all the information you need about different types of teeth and their functions.

Divisions and Components of Teeth

The oral cavity plays a very important role for humans, allowing you to eat and digest all food for better digestion. In addition, it allows you to have a beautiful smile, and it is important to know the function each one has. Overbite teeth, a condition where the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth, can affect the biting and chewing functions. Proper alignment of overbite teeth is important for efficient and effective oral functions.

The different types of teeth are formed by four layers or components: enamel, pulp, dentin, and cement.

The enamel

It is the protective outer layer that covers the tooth. Enamel is the substance responsible for protecting teeth from bacteria that cause cavities. It is created by cells called ameloblasts and is the hardest substance in the human body. It can resist the pressure to bite.


It is a substance that is just below the enamel, but it is not as hard as enamel. It is created by cells known as odontoblasts and makes up most of the tooth. When enamel is lost, dentin is exposed, and there is an increased risk of caries.

the cement

When knowing the types of human teeth and their functions, it is important to consider their components. Cementum is the substance that covers the tooth's root, which is thin and not as hard as enamel.

It has the necessary hardness to anchor the tooth in your jaw and make it firm. Very stiff toothbrush bristles can abrade cement and become sensitive to hot and cold.


The pulp is the tooth's innermost layer and contains all the nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels. The pulp of teeth is divided into 2 areas: the pulp chamber and the pulp canals. When a cavity reaches the pulp area, you will need root canal treatment or therapy to save your tooth.

Tooth Chart For Adults And Children

Types of teeth and their functions

There are 4 different types of teeth permanent in the oral cavity that are:

1. Incisors

Among the types of teeth and their functions with pictures are the incisors. The four front teeth are most visible in your mouth on both the upper and lower jaws.

The main function of the incisors is to cut food when you bite. The two incisors on either side of the midline are known as the central incisors, while the incisors adjacent to the centrals are known as the lateral incisors.

Incisors develop from 4 lobes with a single root and a sharp incisal edge. The maxillary or maxillary central incisors are larger than the mandibular or lower central incisors. On the other hand, the central incisors have a sharper and more acute angle than the so-called lateral incisors.

2. Canines

Canine teeth are another type of teeth, and their functions are to help tear food apart. Generally, canine teeth are more pointed than the other teeth in the oral cavity.

There are 4 canine teeth in the oral cavity, two in the maxillary arch and two in the mandibular arch, right next to the lateral incisors. Its function is to tear food such as crunchy vegetables and meat.

The canines have longer roots than the other teeth and help form the corners of the mouth.

3. Premolars

The premolars are next to the canines and have a flat biting surface. The function of different types of dentures, such as premolars, is to tear and crush food. In the oral cavity, there are 8 premortal, four in the upper arch and four in the lower arch.

Premolar teeth may have 2 or 3 cusps larger than canines and incisors. The upper or maxillary first premolar has 2 roots, while the remaining premolars only have one root. Young children do not have premolars, only appearing in permanent teeth.

4. Molars

Among the different types of teeth and their functions, molars cannot be missing. They are the largest and strongest teeth in the oral cavity and have a large and flat surface since they have 4 or 5 cusps.

Its function is to grind, chew and crush food. Adults have 12 permanent molars, 6 on the top and 6 on the bottom, and are called first molars, second molars, and third molars. On the other hand, the molars usually have 2 roots, but the maxillary molars behind the second premolars can have 3 roots.

The molars include the four wisdom teeth, also called wisdom teeth or third molars. The mandibular molar is the first permanent tooth to erupt or erupt into the mouth. Also, in the different types of teeth and their functions, it is important to note that young children only have eight molars.

Night Guard For Teeth Grinding

Tooth surfaces

As mentioned above, there are 4 different types of teeth and their functions, while the surfaces of the teeth are:

• Distal

The distal or buccal surface is that which is away from the midline of the face. It is in contact with the language.

• Face

It is the surface that is in contact with the lips and cheeks.

• Incisal

It is the biting edge of an anterior tooth.

• lingual

Name the different types of teeth and their surfaces to learn about your oral cavity. The lingual surface is the one that faces the tongue.

• Mesial

It is the surface that is closest to the midline of the face.

• Occlusal

It is the surface for posterior groups. That is, it is the chewing surface of premolars and molars.

• proximal

They are the surfaces in contact between the teeth (distal of the lateral incisor and mesial of the canine).


The different types of teeth and their functions allow you to know your oral cavity. Four different types of teeth are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, which are important for eating, speaking, and having a beautiful smile.

With the information above, you learned how your teeth work and how important they are to the lives of human beings. Therefore, you must have good oral hygiene and consult with a dentist regularly to protect them and have an oral cavity in perfect condition.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the function of premolars?

Premolars, also called bicuspids, are located behind the canines, with a flat surface with ridges, and are used for crushing and grinding food.

2. What is the function of the molars?

Molars are the largest and strongest teeth at the back of the mouth, have a broad, flat surface with multiple cusps, and are responsible for chewing and grinding food before swallowing.

3. How many molars are there in an adult's mouth?

An adult mouth typically has 12 molars, with three on each side of the upper and lower jaws. These include the first, second, and third molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth.

4. Do all individuals have wisdom teeth?

No, not all individuals have wisdom teeth. Some people may have one, two, three, or none. The presence and development of wisdom teeth can vary among individuals.

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